The Treasure of Time

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Product Overview

The Treasure of Time

JR Ballow

There is never enough time. Make every minute count! The story of a Love that did not have forever.



Do you know what the most valuable thing in the universe is?  Harry thought he did. What does it mean to be rich? Is it wealth? Is it power? Or is it something more?



Harry wasn’t born rich. He was an underprivileged child who spent his adult life acquiring wealth. It took a challenge from corporate big wigs—at promotion time—to make him question what was really important in life. “Who are you, and what do you want?”



Armed with a new found curiosity, Harry sets out on a whirlwind trek around the globe with his new girlfriend, Beth. From the bottom of the ocean, to the plains of Kenya, and even to secret beaches on far away islands, they live life to the fullest. On their journey the couple encounter some nice and some not so nice people, and they share experiences they never dreamed they would have. Harry faces life defining moments and challenging events that define the meaning of life and what true wealth is all about.


Books by J.R. can be found at:


The Book Bank: Largo, FL






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